Contact & Support
Besides sales, we provide quality of service to our customers. Do you need support? Send an e-mail to or give us a call at +91 120 / 432 99 - 90 and we will immediately give you advice.
Do you have a query, would you like to obtain a quotation or do you require assistance? Our team is available to advise you personally, by telephone or by e-mail.
Our team
For all Queries/
General Enquiries
Mrs. Pushpanjali Tiwari
Phone +91 120 / 432 99 - 90
Mobile +91 9 871 842 066
Sales/ Technical
Mr. Raghav R. Das
Phone +91 989 / 955 99 - 33
Mr. Shashank Rai
Phone +91 9555386789
Accounts/ Finance
Mr. Ambrishi Tripathi